Bunga Citra Lestari during his appearance was identical with the always sexy. And apparently, being pregnant did not become an obstacle for the actress who gained popularity BCL addressed to pose challenging.
Barusaja, with a belly bulge, singer song 'Sunny' sexy photos in this exhibit his twitter account @ bclsinclair. In the photograph, the BCL is seen wearing a baggy white shirt and black shorts. At first glance, casual clothes.
But unusual is the pose. He wore a white shirt unbuttoned. BCL let his shirt open and show a pregnant belly big. Ashraf Sinclair's wife was seen clutching a bulging belly. Not only that, he also showed the backplate. The picture was reminiscent of a similar pose the most famous of Demi Moore in Vanity Fair magazine, as well as the actress was pregnant. BCLmemang very enthusiastic about the pregnancy. She and her husband were getting ready awaiting the birth of their first child. Got word got out, this artist will be giving birth in Malaysia or Singapore. However, Ashraf denied the news. Malaysian man confessed to his wife will give birth in Jakarta. Only, Ashraf did not argue if they just buy baby supplies in Singapore.
By Berita Selebritis Terbaru